Why Students Should Be Allowed To Use Laptops In Class | Higher Ground Gear


Laptops serve as valuable learning tools for students, but some educational institutions and instructors discourage or even prohibit their use. The primary argument against allowing these computers is that they distract students during lectures.

One concern is that if students have access lớn the trang web, they will spend more time surfing, shopping online or checking their Facebook or Instagram pages. Some instructors also believe that students learn and retain information more effectively when taking handwritten notes instead of typing them.

However, the benefits of using laptops in class can far outweigh any drawbacks. With both students and teachers taking advantage of the mạng internet and various technology, they can experience a better collaborative learning environment.

10 Benefits Of Laptop Use

Using laptops in the classroom does provide numerous benefits, especially for today's students who have grown up in the Information Age.

1. Meet Today's Needs

Since most kids today were exposed lớn mobile devices starting at an early age, computers have become a central part of their lives. Students rely on them for just about everything, and not allowing students lớn use a máy tính in the classroom could place them at a disadvantage. Some students may not function and learn as well without the ability lớn look things up or take notes without a computer.

2. Access lớn Supporting Facts

One advantage of having a web-connected máy tính in the classroom is immediate access lớn relevant information. For example, a student can perform a quick Google tìm kiếm on a topic the instructor is covering and use the information lớn contribute lớn the discussion. This input can also benefit others in the class.

3. Increased Engagement

Attention spans can be short in today's fast-paced world. The ability lớn look up additional information can help students stay engaged during a lecture. A point made by the instructor can often pique interest and make students want lớn learn more about the topic. Computers can also help students quickly clarify a fact or area of confusion without interrupting the instructor lớn ask a question.

4. Enhanced Organizational Skills

As many students grow up with laptops, tablets and other mobile devices, they are already proficient at using all the devices' features. They understand how lớn create computer files, significantly reducing the need for paper notebooks, documents and folders. The lack of paper makes it easier for students lớn stay organized, leading lớn a more efficient learning experience. Other organizational benefits include scheduling, tracking assignments and accessing the school calendar online.

5. Fewer Copying Errors

Curricula such as engineering or mathematics make extensive use of complex figures, formulas and equations. In a traditional classroom environment, students must write these by hand. Their unfamiliarity with these symbols can easily lead lớn transcription mistakes. Instructors can help alleviate this issue by supplying copies before class that students can access with their laptops during the lecture. Then, students will spend less time writing and copying and more time paying attention lớn the presentation.

6. Better Than Writing

Since students are adept at using laptops and likely developed excellent typing skills at an early age, they can use laptops more efficiently kêu ca writing by hand. Many kids type more quickly kêu ca they write, which proves invaluable when taking notes in the classroom. Laptops also eliminate legibility issues — students tự not have lớn make cross-outs or try lớn read hurried, indecipherable scribblings.

7. Access lớn Software

Laptops can enable students lớn use software programs that serve as valuable classroom sida. Examples include active learning tools, such as Clip clips and PowerPoint presentations, and statistical analysis programs.

8. Improved Collaboration

Laptops allow students lớn collaborate with their classmates inside and outside the classroom. They can ask questions, compare notes and share what they have learned more readily. They can also work together on group projects even if they are not in the same location. There is no need lớn waste time traveling lớn the library, a nearby coffee cửa hàng or someone's trang chính.

9. More Efficient Review Process

Mobile computers allow instructors lớn review student-submitted papers and assignments and provide feedback digitally. The instructors can go into more detail and provide more direction kêu ca when handwriting the information, which ultimately enhances their students' educational process.

10. Environmentally Friendly

Traditionally, instructors and students have relied heavily on paper for everything from notebooks and handouts lớn folders and textbooks. Using laptops lớn replace these items can substantially reduce paper consumption in an educational setting. The effort lớn go paperless saves trees and minimizes the use of destructive processes lớn harvest and process them, helping lớn protect the environment.