Work out how much child support I'll pay or receive


Use our calculator to lớn work out the possible amount of monthly child tư vấn and who might be the liable parent or receiving carer.

What is a formula assessment?

A formula assessment is the most common size of child tư vấn agreement. Parents and non-parent carers can apply to lớn us for a formula assessment.

Based on each parent or non-parent carer's circumstances we work out who pays child tư vấn and how much. We collect money from the paying parent and pass it on to lớn the recipient.

Is a formula assessment a good option for me?

A formula assessment is a good option when you want us to lớn decide the child tư vấn amount and make sure payments happen.

It is the best option if any of these are true:

  • you cannot agree on an amount
  • you want us to lớn decide on an amount
  • you want us to lớn make sure payments happen and follow up on missed payments
  • you vì thế not get on with the other parent
  • you vì thế not want to lớn giảm giá khuyến mãi with the other person.

It is the only option if you are getting an Unsupported Child’s Benefit. You must apply for a formula assessment at the same time you apply for Unsupported Child's Benefit. The child tư vấn will go to lớn the Goverment to lớn help pay for your benefit - you will receive any remaining amount.

How does Inland Revenue decide on an amount?

We have a formula to lớn work out a child tư vấn payment amount. The formula is based on all of these things:

  • both parents' incomes
  • both parents' living costs
  • the amount of time the child is in each parent's care
  • the cost of bringing up a child
  • the costs of other children in their care.

If the carer is not a parent then their income is not included in the formula.

How does it work?

A parent or non-parent carer applies to lớn us for a child tư vấn assessment. After we have made our assessment each person gets a notice saying how much they will get or pay.

If the paying parent is employed or on a benefit, we will organise to lớn have payments deducted from their income. Otherwise, the paying parent will usually mix up automatic payments.

Payments are made monthly into the receiving carer's ngân hàng trương mục as long as the paying parent makes their payment.

Tools to lớn help 

When does a formula assessment end?

A formula assessment ends when one of these happens:

  • a child no longer qualifies, usually when they turn 18
  • when both people agree to lớn change to lớn another type of agreement
  • when the person or people caring for the child choose to lớn over the agreement.

Can I switch to lớn another type of child tư vấn agreement?

If both people agree you can switch from a formula assessment to lớn another kind of child tư vấn agreement.

If you are getting an Unsupported Child's Benefit for a child, you must stay on a formula assessment for that child.

You could switch to lớn a voluntary agreement if both people can decide the amount. Inland Revenue will arrange the payments.

You could also choose a private agreement, which is where both people decide the amount and work out arrangements without us.

Voluntary agreement

Private agreement

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